Legal Options for Hazing Victims: Can You File a Lawsuit for fraternity hazing rituals, particularly against organizations like Pi Kappa Alpha, under the hazing policy to end hazing and address the count of hazing incidents, especially if the investigation into the death of a victim is ongoing?
The malaise of hazing does not seem to go away, especially in the case of some of the students involved in alcohol consumption during these hazing events, which can lead to fatal hazing incidents like alcohol poisoning, particularly during a night of drinking that can result in investigation into the death of individuals who died as a result of hazing.
In the last 15 years alone, over 80 college students lost their lives due to hazing, highlighting the fact that there are strained legal options available for victims of hazing and their families to address the issues caused by hazing, especially prior to his death as a result of a fraternity hazing incident.
The purpose of this article is to give such victims as well as the legal fraternity an insight into the legal rights that exist while filing a case against hazing practices and how to navigate the complexities of hazing charges, especially since hazing is illegal and can involve serious consequences related to the death of individuals.
Medical records review services can assist lawyers in solidifying evidence in the cases of hazing and alcohol poisoning, particularly in U.S. jurisdictions where hazing includes dangerous activities that have resulted in the death of individuals, especially those who experienced hazing and pleaded guilty to hazing practices related to the death of a victim.
Definition of Hazing Victims
It can be construed as actions that are taken for initiation of an individual into the group, often involving sleep deprivation and causing that person some physical or emotional distress, which can be considered hazing in view of the harmful outcomes associated with such practices, especially when they are part of a hazing tradition called initiation that can lead to years in prison for those responsible.
This is an issue that affects fraternities, sororities, athletic teams, and just about every student organization involved in hazing behavior, particularly in the form of hazing that may lead to severe consequences of hazing, a troubling practice of hazing that continues to persist.
Why Does Hazing Death Occur?
- Cultural Practices: Many groups are adamant about hazing being a part of their transition into a member of the group, despite the legal implications and consequences of hazing rituals known to cause harm, which hazing research has shown can lead to severe psychological effects, particularly when the hazing creates an environment of fear associated with hazing.
- Power Relationships: New members, often college freshmen, are likely to be abused by those in authority positions over them during hazing rituals, a troubling aspect of fraternity and sorority culture exacerbated by peer pressure and the willingness to participate in harmful hazing practices, often referred to as a hazing tradition called initiation.
- Conformity: New members, often college freshmen, are usually under pressure to fit in the group, often leading to participation in dangerous hazing rituals that may involve excessive amounts of alcohol, a common form of hazing that can lead to fatal outcomes related to the death of peers.
Legal Framework Surrounding Hazing
Criminal vs. Civil Liability
- Criminal Charges: Most states have recognized hazing as an offense punishable by fines or incarceration, and in some states new laws such as Collins Law have been introduced to add heavier penalties for hazing-related deaths, particularly for those who died as a result of hazing practices that could lead to years in prison.
- Civil Actions: People who suffer from humiliating practices such as negligence, wrongful death, or actions by caring entities, can sue any person or educational institutions for there was no such legal action in due process, particularly when hazing is illegal and can be classified as possible hazing.
Statute of Limitations
Ohio has a hazing-linked case statute of file for two years in general, which is crucial for victims of hazing seeking justice under the state’s hazing policy to end hazing and address the count of hazing incidents, especially for parents who lost their children due to hazing.
It is key that the victims report hazing and file the case as soon as possible because time limits can be different in one or more states, and they should also consider calling 911 in emergencies following a hazing incident that could be classified as possible hazing.
Types of Lawsuits Related to Hazing
Personal Injury Lawsuit
The hazing incidents allow the victims to make a filing of a personal injury suit which helps them in claiming for all medical costs and emotional trauma alongside other claims related to hazing behavior.
Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Claimants who have lost their families due to hazing-related deaths can also sue for wrongful death claims so that the defendant is made to pay for the loss sustained from their alleged hazing traditions.
Negligence Lawsuit
Any group, institution, or organization that can prove in a court of law that they have been a member of an organization that practiced hazing may file for negligence against those who engage in hazing.
The Role of Medical Records Review in Hazing Cases
Importance of Medical Records
- Medical Records as Evidence: Medical records substantiating the injuries inflicted on the individuals when the hazing led to dangerous situations during the events, especially when those involved report hazing incidents.
- Proving Cause: The purpose of the records is also to pinpoint an event and the outcome in terms of an injury or emotional upheaval that took place because of hazing traditions that can lead to mental or physical injury or death.
How Medical Records Review Services Assist Attorneys
- Thorough Analysis: Medical records review service can evaluate the intricacies of the medical documents to make out the issues that are pivotal to the particular matter.
- Expert Testimony: The experts are able to testify as to what the medical findings will mean within the context of litigation, particularly in cases involving hazing death in a courtroom, emphasizing the need for stricter hazing policies.
Case Studies
Case Study 1: The Tragic Death of Collin Wiant
Overview: In 2018, Collin Wiant, an Ohio University student, passed away following the death of a tragic incident during an initiation in a fraternity, a result of fatal hazing caused by reckless behaviors during a hazing session.
Challenges: The family had a tough time establishing the negligence of the fraternity and the university in the hazing-related death, which is a significant hurdle in pursuing hazing charges against those who engage in hazing practices.
Solutions: The family hired a lawyer who directed them to medical records review services to seek for direct cause in all the hazing caused that led to Collins’ death of student, particularly in light of hazing being illegal.
Compensation: The family achieved a settlement which went towards the medical bills and attending their emotional suffering due to the consequences of hazing, highlighting the need for effective hazing prevention.
Case Study 2: The Hazing Incident Involving Timothy Piazza
Overview: In 2017, Timothy Piazza participated in a hazing activity at Pennsylvania State University which resulted in his hazing-related death during a deadly rite of hazing, a tragic reminder of the dangers that hazing creates.
Challenges: The case involved a number of defendants, including the members of the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha and the fraternity as an entity, complicating the legal challenges for victims seeking to end hazing.
Solutions: The legal team started with reviewing the medical records along with the documentation of witnesses against the fraternity which gave good evidence of the injuries inflicted as a result of hazing.
Compensation: The Piazza family received a substantial amount of compensation which further demonstrated the requirement of accountability when it comes to hazing practices, especially in cases of college hazing.
Hazing is an issue that ought to be taken seriously as it poses a deep impact on its victims and their families. For the victims, it is important to seek as much information as possible to understand what can be done in such situations. In most of such cases, such medical record review services assist lawyers on behalf of the victims to make sure that justice has been served to such troubled individuals in the best manner.