Narrative Summary Services

RRR Health Tech LLC

Narrative Summary Review

Medical narrative summary services are a brief flow of events in the patient’s medical history and help to understand the overall case in a short format. Medical narrative summaries are concise summaries of the main events in the patient’s medical history and help in preparing a deposition or while preparing a case for trial.

We capture and highlight all the significant events that define the course of a case including, diagnostic procedures, office visits and consultations, therapy visits, and other pertinent medical records in chronological order, with focus on all the injuries sustained due to the accident and the pre-existing injuries that were aggravated due to the incident. Our MD’s are trained to prepare summaries for a diverse list of specialties that describe a brief account of the flow of events in a patient’s medical history.

Such that it helps our clients in preparing for a deposition by establishing the sequence of events to support the case, Laboratory Test Findings, Treatments the patient has undergone, Previous or on-going medical conditions of the patient, Previous or on-going medications taken by the patient and the Patient’s demographic and vital information.

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Points Included in Narrative Summary Services

For ease of reference and to know the glimpse of the case, we have provided a summary including the significant case details chronologically. The activities related to the current case are highlighted yellow.

02   Laboratory Test Findings

The findings of laboratory tests are vital evidence in any medical-legal case. The Medical Narrative summary includes test findings to help the attorney understand and establish the lawsuit’s case for medical negligence or ascertain whether this is due to a coincidence of events, thus determining the strength of any case.

The Medical Narrative Summary also contains a list of all treatments that the patient has undergone. Our team prepares a comprehensive list to help identify the requirement for the treatment and the impact it had on the patient’s medical condition. In medical malpractice cases, we help identify any wrong treatments that were administered to the patient, leading to the lawsuit getting filed by the patient.

Our team documents and reviews any pre-existing conditions to enable the attorney to interlink the medical malpractice case to the current medical condition of the patient.

05   Previous or on-going medications taken by the patient

In cases where the patient files a lawsuit against the wrong medication provided, a medical narrative summary could analyze if the patient has taken any other medications in the past which could have led to the current medical condition

06   Patient’s demographic and vital information

A medical narrative summary also includes the patient’s personal information, such as his age, gender, height, and weight (if needed). This information acts as an identifier of the patient for the references during the medico-legal case.

Our Narrative Summary

Narrative summary reports are an efficient way to see a patient’s care experience with all its supporting documentation. Whilst the analysis is comprehensive in scope, the report is concise and completely customizable.

Our narrative summary Services focuses on all the injuries sustained because of the accident and the pre-existing injuries that were aggravated due to the accident. The pre-existing conditions that related to the case focus will be captured briefly on summaries. We generally do not include normal findings in our summaries and it may be captured if the case focus requires it.

Narrative Summary Services is a bit-complex process that involves various MD and medico-legal staffs. It is advisable to write narrative summaries based on the received medical records. Finalized sample narratives should be clean, concise, and appropriate, as per received record and its approved by MDs whoever involved in the respective case.

Our Narrative Summary Services Advantage:

Our team is trained to prepare narrative summaries for a diverse list of specialties including, but not limited to road traffic accidents, pedestrian accidents, workplace accidents, dog bites assault, sexual and emotional harassment, slip and falls, and disability. In our diverse range of services, we customize our summary to best that meet the needs of our attorneys on their cases.