Essential Elements of a Product Liability Claim: Insights for Legal Professionals

Essential Elements of a Product Liability Claim Insights for Legal Professionals
Essential Elements of a Product Liability Claim: Insights for Legal Professionals


Injury to person claims is central in law and they also have other complex interrelated legal and medical issues. Being a medical records reviewing company, we have a vital role in aiding lawyers throughout the United States by analyzing such complex matters. This paper focuses on the most basic aspects of a product liability claim, its medical aspects, and how our services can augment legal practices.

Key Elements of a Product Liability Claim

1. Defective Product

• Definition: A product is deemed defective if it is considered to be unreasonably dangerous because of particular design issues, manufacturing problems, or lack of proper safeguards.

• Types of Defects

• Design Defects: There are risks within the design of the product, which is supposed to be safe.

• Manufacturing Defects: There are mistakes associated with the production phase.

• Marketing Defects: Inadequate or no guidelines for the use of the device.

2. Causation

• Direct Link: The claimant has to prove that the defect is the actual reason of the injury sustained.

• Proximate Cause: It has to be proved that the injury was actually caused by the defect, which was not beyond the boundaries of reasonable assumption.

3. Injury or Damage

• Physical Injury: Actual recorded injuries sustained by the plaintiff such as treatment methods employed as evident from the medical records.

• Loss of Earnings: The injury’s financial aspects concerning medical and lost income.

4. Breach of Warranty

• Oral Warranty: The manufacturer’s promise regarding the product’s safety is the basis of a claim.

• Performance Warranty: The claim regarding the product’s purpose or fit for intended use.

The Role of Medical Records Review in Product Liability Claims

Importance for Attorneys

  • Thorough Documentation: The medical records serve as an exemplary evidence of the injuries and their linkage with the defected product.
  • Identifying Gaps: Cases can lose evidence for information weaker the overall impact of the case. Our review service allows for an analysis of information gaps

Our Services

  • Comprehensive Record Analysis: We comprehensively study medical files to make certain relevant gaps do not get overlooked.
  • Expert Testimony Preparation: Helping attorneys with the complexities of medical jargon and its relevance to their cases.

Common Challenges in Product Liability Claims

Proving Defectiveness

The Issue: It may be tough to prove defectiveness of the product, especially when dealing with more than one party.

Ways to Fix: Expert witnesses can assist on points concerning product design and safety regulations.

Establishing Causation

The Issue: A direct connection between the defect and the injury must be proved, and this is usually done with the aid of medical records, which can be labor intensive.

• Solution: Ensure a clear connection can be established through a detailed narrative review of the patient’s medical records.

Dealing with Insurers

• Challenge: The insurance companies may refuse the claim or settle for a low amount without paying attention to the details of the case.

• Solution: Just form a solid case and use detailed medical documents to prove a point.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Defective Kitchen Appliance

Overview: A family suffered burns from a malfunctioning toaster.


• Proving the misuse of the device as a reason for burns and not the defectiveness of the toaster.

• Demonstrating the severity of the burns injury.


• Detailed the medical records of the patients, including the treatment notes, and reviewed for burn injuries.

• Designed a testimony from an appliance safety expert concerning the defective design.

Compensation: Pain and suffering, alongside medical expenses, were compensated with the family.

Case Example 2: Defective Hip Device

Overview: A patient suffered from issues resulting from a broken implant into the hip region.


• The sponsor of the device was blamed for the problem but establishing a relationship proved to be a challenge.

• Complex language used in the records made it difficult for the layman to understand.


• Provided a timeline of the complications by reviewing all the associated surgical and follow up medical records.

• Set forth opinions through orthopedic specialists and formulated a strategy with the expert witness.

Compensation: Additional surgeries and rehabilitation treatment was covered in the damages awarded to the patient.


To properly represent an injured client, one must comprehend the aspects entailed in a product liability claim. With the help of our medical record review services, attorneys can construct more robust cases for their clients to win their settlement claims.